August 1, 2018

CEACEA, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission chose GRANTA MI to manage knowledge relating to Additive Manufacturing (AM). CEA’s database contains: information on materials and AM processes; organizations that are part of the AM community (manufacturers, research institutions, end users, etc.); current and completed research projects (e.g., AMAZE); and research papers, patents, web-based articles, and theses with an AM focus.

CEA manages this knowledge and can securely share it with their staff across their research centers in France. They can browse the database and use a range of search criteria to quickly identify potential areas for new AM research and development. This central database helps to eliminate duplication of work, enables easier sharing of information within CEA and externally, and keeps staff up to date with the latest emerging AM technology. CEA works in partnership with industrial and academic partners, research bodies, and local government, and this knowledge can be used to support greater advances in AM in France. Alain Gauthier, who is part of the Atomic Energy High Commissioner’s team, said: “We collate and manage our Additive Manufacturing knowledge in one central location using GRANTA MI, and share some parts of this information securely across our network.”